This section features articles and publications on Islam by
some of the most popular Islamic scholars. The following Islamic literature is available
absolutely free of charge and we request you to read and distribute it freely. However, we
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Publications are divided in two categories:
- Islam and
- Comparative Religion
Each publication has a short description with it which will
help you choose a topic. Information about authors and their contacts has also been added.
You can view them by moving to the end of this page.
We have made every effort to make these publications error-free and we will highly
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Responsibilities of a
Muslim by Dr. Israr Ahmad
The long standing political and moral decline of the Muslim Ummah
has resulted, among other things, in a serious distortion of our very concept of Islam
itself. Can we as Muslims fulfill our responsibilities today? Do we know
what they are?
The Obligations the Muslims owe to the Quran by Dr. Israr Ahmad
The pathetic and disastrous condition of the
Muslim Ummah throughout the world is due to the abandoning of the Holy Quran by the
Muslims. The attitude of indifference that we constantly show towards the last of the
Allah's Revelations, along with our hypocritical lip-service, is tantamount to ridiculing
Renaissance - The Real Task Ahead by Dr. Israr Ahmad
The present age can rightly be described as the age of the
predominance of Western philosophical thought and learning. Having taken shape roughly two
hundred years ago, these ideas are continuously affirmed and reinforced by theorists and
philosophers. Though politically the present-day world may be divided into number of
blocs, one single philosophical point of view prevails throughout.
The 100 - A Ranking of
the Most Influential Persons in History - Muhammad (*PBUH) No 1
by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
In his landmark work "The 100" Michael Hart
rates Muhammad (*PBUH) as number one. He concludes the biography with the words "It is this unparalleled
combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be
considered the most influential single figure in human history."
The Objective and Goal of
Muhammad's Prophethood (*PBUH) by
Dr. Israr Ahmad
We Muslims believe that the best of all human
beings Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him was much more
than just one of the many prophets, as he was Khatam al-nabiyyeen (seal of the
The Quran and World Peace by Dr. Israr Ahmad
Many of the best minds devoted to burning
questions such as ecological problems, pollution, feeding of mankind, conquest of disease,
bridging the gap between rich and poor and, in particular, world peace, have been inspired
by the faith and tenets of Islam. The Quran provides us with a common platform to work
together in Islam (peace).
Jihad - "Striving in the Cause of Allah" by
Dr. Israr Ahmad
Only those are Believers who have believed in Allah and His Apostle and have never since
doubted but have striven with their belongings and their persons in the Cause of Allah:
Such are the sincere ones. (Holy Quran; Surah 49; Verse 15)
The Status
of Woman in Islam by
Dr. Jamal A. Badawi
In the midst of the darkness that engulfed the world, the divine revelation echoed in the
wide desert of Arabia with a fresh, noble, and universal message to humanity: "O
Mankind, keep your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it
created its mate (of same kind) and from them twain has spread a multitude of men and
women" (Holy Quran; Surah 04: Verse 1).
The Muslim Woman's Dress by Dr. Jamal A.
This essay provides adequate Quranic references on the topic of Hijab, Purdah and
the Muslim Woman's dress code as appointed by Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad (*PBUH) |
Building between Christians and Muslims by Dr. Jamal A. Badawi
"The People of the Book" is a special term accorded to
Jews and Christians in the Quran. Why "People of the Book"? Because the Muslim
makes a clear distinction between a polytheist or an atheist and those who follow the
prophets who originally received revelations from Allah.
Christ In Islam by Sheikh Ahmad
A detailed description of Prophet Eesa; Jesus Christ (*PBUH) in Islam. This article
discusses Jesus Christ's (*PBUH) life, his miraculous birth and his status in Islam.
Jesus in the Quran and Bible - Quick Reference by Dr. Jamal A. Badawi
Comparison of Jesus' (PBUH) representation as in the Quran and
the Bible. References are provided both from the Quran and Bible to discuss major
conflicts and beliefs.
'Atnatu' - A Novel Concept
of God also titled 'What is His Name?'
by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
The aborigine of South Australia calls his God "Atnatu" because some
philosopher, poet or prophet had programmed him, that the Father in Heaven is absolutely
free from all needs; He is independent; He needs no food nor drink.
What Does the Bible Say about Muhammad? (*PBUH) by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
The Bible is a book of prophecies. The Old Testament has
hundreds of prophecies of the coming of Jesus Christ. But do you think the Bible is silent
about one of the biggest benefactor of humanity, Prophet Muhammad (*PBUH)!
Muhammad in the Bible! by Dr. Jamal A. Badawi
Habakkuk 3:3 speaks of God (God's help) coming from Te'man (an Oasis North of
Medina according to J. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible), and the holy one (coming) from
Paran. That holy one who under persecution migrated from Paran (Mecca) to be received
enthusiastically in Medina was none but prophet Muhammad.
The God That Never Was by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
Deals with the idea of 'Jesus is God' as in Christian theology.
Various quotations from the Authorized KJV Bible that prove Jesus was only a messenger of
God and not God or Son of God himself.
What was the Sign of Jonah? by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
Is it possible that for the past two thousand years the whole
Christian world celebrated 'Good Friday' instead of 'Good Wednesday'?. Are 1,200,000,000
Christians of the world ignorant of the correct day of the so called crucifixion of Jesus
Who moved the Stone? by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
or who ROLLED away the stone? (Mark 16.3) is a question which
has worried theologians for the past two thousand years. Mr. Frank Morison, a prominent
Bible scholar, tried to nail down this ghost(s) in a book bearing the same title as this
tract. Through all his 192 pages of conjectures he failed to answer ,"WHO MOVED THE
STONE?" (Faber and Faber, London).
Resurrection or Resuscitation? by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
Clears the misconception about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Jesus (*PBUH) was not resurrected or spiritualized. Jesus himself acclaims 'Handle me and
see, for a spirit has no flesh and bones as you see me have.' (Luke 24:39)
The Satanic Verses Unexpurgated! by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
A reply to 'The Satanic Verses' a book written by Salman
Rushdie. In his bitterness with the Muslim, Salman has fired many guns off target!
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